Many of those following the news about the fate of Stadium Woods believe that Virginia Tech has decided against developing the woods. This is partially true; Athletics will not build the proposed indoor football practice facility in Stadium Woods. The woods, however, have not been given any permanent protection (source). Virginia Tech may still build in the woods in the future.
Although we clearly won the first battle, there is more work to be done. Our objectives now are:
- Advocate for permanent protection and preservation of the old-growth forest
- Develop a fundraising team to raise funds for education, research, management and preservation
- Work on related issues, such as the abusive parking in the woods and driving over and parking on the tree root zones
- Support the efforts of the VT Arboretum Committee and others to develop a proper and comprehensive management plan for the woods
- Follow all developments of the indoor practice facility siting process (The new site will likely not be identified until spring and presented to the VT Board of Visitors’ Building and Grounds Subcommittee in March or June 2013.)